

  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Effective Input Vector Management to Improve Branch Prediction Accuracy", PH.D. Thesis, Seoul National University, February 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Multi-Grain Remote Cache in Dual Ring Snooping Bus Multiprocessor System", M.Sc. Thesis, Seoul National University, August 2001



  • Jong Wook Kwak et al., "Digital Design and Computer Architecture, RISC-V Edition", Korean version, Hongreung Publishing Co., ISBN 979-11-5600-177-5, March 2024
  • Jong Wook Kwak et al., "Introduction to Operating System based on UNIX", Korean version, Han-San Press, ISBN 978-89-89215-65-3, August 2011
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Verilog HDL Synthesis, A Practical Primer", Korean version, Hong Reung Science Pub. Co., ISBN 978-89-7283-891-3, September 2010
  • J. Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Y. Kim et al., "Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design", Korean version, 2nd Edition, Han-San Press, ISBN 978-89-89215-42-4, February 2009
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Digital System Design Using Hardware Description Language", Korean version, Yeungnam University Press, ISBN 978-89-7581-346-7 93560, July 2008

International Journal

- SCI(e) publications


  • Kyung-Min Kim, and Jong Wook Kwak, "PVS-GEN: Systematic Approach for Universal Synthetic Data Generation Involving Parameterization, Verification, and Segmentation", Sensors, Vol. 24, Issue 1 (Sensors 2024, 24(1), 266), January 2024
  • Sang-Ho Hwang, Kyung-Min Kim, Sungho Kim, and Jong Wook Kwak, "Lossless Data Compression for Time-Series Sensor Data Based on Dynamic Bit Packing", Sensors, Vol. 23, Issue 20 (Sensors 2023, 23(20), 8575), October 2023
  • Kyungmin Kim, Jiung Song, and Jong Wook Kwak, "PRIGM: Partial-Regression-Integrated Generic Model for Synthetic Benchmarks Robust to Sensor Characteristics", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E105-D, No. 7, pp. 1330~1334, July 2022
  • Jun Hyeong Choi, Kyung Min Kim, and Jong Wook Kwak, "TA-CLOCK: Tendency-Aware Page Replacement Policy for Hybrid Main Memory in High-Performance Embedded Systems", Electronics, Vol. 10, Issue 9 (Electronics 2021, 10(9), 1111), May 2021
  • Jun-Hyeong Choi, Kyung Min Kim, and Jong Wook Kwak, "WPA: Write Pattern Aware Hybrid Disk Buffer Management for Improving Lifespan of NAND Flash Memory", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 193~202, May 2020
  • Sang-Ho Hwang and Jong Wook Kwak, "RbWL: Recency-Based Static Wear Leveling for Lifetime Extension and Overhead Reduction in NAND Flash Memory Systems", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E101-D, No. 10, pp. 2518~2522, October 2018
  • Ju Hee Choi and Jong Wook Kwak, "Multiple Leading Zero Pattern Scheme for Non-volatile Memories", JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 246~254, April 2018
  • Sungho Kim, Sang-Ho Hwang, and Jong Wook Kwak, "Adaptive-Classification CLOCK: Page Replacement Policy Based on Read/Write Access Pattern for Hybrid DRAM and PCM Main Memory", Microprocessors and Microsystems (Embedded Hardware Design), Elsevier, Vol. 57, pp. 65~75, March 2018
  • Sang-Ho Hwang, Ju Hee Choi, and Jong Wook Kwak, "Adaptive Writeback-aware Cache Management Policy for Lifetime Extension of Non-volatile Memory", JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 514~523, August 2017
  • Seon Hwan Kim, Ju Hee Choi, and Jong Wook Kwak, "RRWL: Round Robin-Based Wear Leveling Using Block Erase Table for Flash Memory", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E100-D, No. 5, pp. 1124~1127, May 2017
  • Ju Hee Choi and Jong Wook Kwak, "Fast Writeable Block-Aware Cache Update Policy for Spin-Transfer-Torque RAM", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 1236~1249, April 2017
  • Sang-Ho Hwang, Ju Hee Choi, and Jong Wook Kwak, "Migration Cost Sensitive Garbage Collection Technique for Non-Volatile Memory Systems", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E99-D, No. 12, pp. 3177~3180, December 2016
  • Seon Hwan Kim, Ju Hee Choi, and Jong Wook Kwak, "PBGC: Proxy Block-based Garbage Collection for Index Structures in NAND Flash Memory", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E99-D, No. 7, pp. 1928~1932, July 2016
  • Ju Hee Choi, and Jong Wook Kwak, "Improving Energy Efficiency and Lifetime of Phase Change Memory using Delta Value Indicator", JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 330~338, June 2016
  • Seon Hwan Kim, Ju Hee Choi, and Jong Wook Kwak, "HaWL: Hidden Cold Block-Aware Wear Leveling Using Bit-Set Threshold for NAND Flash Memory", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E99-D, No. 4, pp. 1242~1245, April 2016
  • Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Write Avoidance Cache Coherence Protocol for Non-Volatile Memory as Last-Level Cache in Chip-Multiprocessor", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E97-D, No. 8, pp. 2166~2169, August 2014
  • Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Data Filter Cache with Partial Tag Matching for Low Power Embedded Processor", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E97-D, No. 4, pp. 972~975, April 2014
  • Young-Sik Eom, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Bypass Extended Stack Processing for Anti-Thrashing Replacement in Shared Last Level Cache of Chip Multiprocessors", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E96-D, No. 2, pp. 370~374, February 2013
  • Young-Sik Eom, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Evaluation of Selective Spilling Policy for Capacity Sharing of Private L2 Caches in CMP Architectures", INFORMATION - An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 2845~2862, July 2012
  • Yun Kyo Cho, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Selective Word Reading for Low Power Processor with No Loss of Performance through Architectural Improvement", INFORMATION - An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 2957~2972, July 2012
  • Young-Sik Eom, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Throttling Capacity Sharing Using Life Time and Reuse Time Prediction in Private L2 Caches of Chip Multiprocessors", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E95-D, No. 6, pp. 1676~1679, June 2012
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Young Tae Jeon, "Compressed Tag Architecture for Low-Power Embedded Cache Systems", Journal of Systems Architecture (Embedded Software Design), Vol. 56, Issue 9, pp. 419~428, September 2010
  • Hyun-min Kyung, Gi-ho Park, Jong Wook Kwak, Tae-jin Kim, Sung-Bae Park, "Design and Implementation of Performance Analysis Unit (PAU) for AXI-based Multi-core System on Chip (SOC)", Microprocessors and Microsystems (Embedded Hardware Design), Vol. 34, Issue 2~4, pp. 102~116, March-June 2010
  • Ju-Hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Soomi Yang, Sung Y. Shin and Chu Shik Jhon, "Branch Pre-Prediction: A Method for Hiding Branch Prediction Latency", INFORMATION - An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 371~387, March 2010
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Early Start Prediction to Tolerate Branch Prediction Latency", INFORMATION - An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 673~687, September 2008
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Chu Shik Jhon, "High-Performance Embedded Branch Predictor by Combining Branch Direction History and Global Branch History", IET Computers & Digital Techniques, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 142~154, March 2008
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Chu Shik Jhon, "Torus Ring: Improving Performance of Interconnection Network by Modifying Hierarchical Ring", Parallel Computing, Vol. 33, Issue 1, pp. 2~20, February 2007
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Chu Shik Jhon, "Dynamic Per-Branch History Length Adjustment to Improve Branch Prediction Accuracy", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 63~76, February 2007
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Chu Shik Jhon, "Adaptive Multi-Grain Remote Access Cache in Ring Based NUMA System", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1543~1554, November 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Cheol Hong Kim, Sung-Hoon Shim and Chu Shik Jhon, "Advanced High-Level Cache Management by Processor Access Information", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 1 , pp. 215~227, January 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim and Chu Shik Jhon, "The Impact of Branch Direction History combined with Global Branch History in Branch Prediction", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E88-D, No. 7, pp. 1754~1758, July 2005
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Hyong Jin Ban and Chu Shik Jhon, "Torus Ring: Improving Interconnection Network Performance by Modifying Hierarchical Ring", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E88-D, No. 5, pp. 1067~1071, May 2005
  • - SCOPUS publications


  • Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak and Seong Tae Jhang, "Cache Data Compression for Non-Volatile Memory based Last-Level Cache", INFORMATION - An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 19, No. 11(A), pp. 5219~5234, November 2016
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seokbin Kang and Seong Tae Jhang, "On-chip Inter-victim Cache Architecture and its Snooping Protocol for Shared Bus-based CMP Systems", INFORMATION - An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 3185~3196, May 2013
  • - LNCS publications


  • Jong Wook Kwak and Chu Shik Jhon, "Recovery Logics for Speculative Update Branch History", Lecture Note in Computer Science(LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Vol. 4263, pp. 258~266, November 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Accuracy Enhancement by Selective Use of Branch History in Embedded Processor", Lecture Note in Computer Science(LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Vol. 3994, pp. 979~986, May 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "History Length Adjustable gshare Predictor for High-Performance Embedded Processor", Lecture Note in Computer Science(LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Vol. 3983, pp. 631~638, May 2006
  • Sunghoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Cheol Hong Kim, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Power-Aware Branch Logic: A Hardware Based Technique for Filtering Access to Branch Logic", Lecture Note in Computer Science(LNCS) , Springer-Verlag, Vol. 3553, pp.162~171, July 2005
  • Cheol Hong Kim, Sunghoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Sung Woo Chung and Chu Shik Jhon, "First-Level Instruction Cache Design for Reducing Dynamic Energy Consumption", Lecture Note in Computer Science(LNCS) , Springer-Verlag, Vol. 3553, pp. 103~111, July 2005
  • Cheol Hong Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Adaptive Block Management for Victim Cache by Exploiting L1 Cache History Information", Lecture Note in Computer Science(LNCS) , Springer-Verlag, Vol. 3207, pp. 1~11, August 2004
  • Sunghoon Shim, Cheol Hong Kim, Jong Wook Kwak and Chu Shik Jhon, "Hybrid Techniques for Reducing Energy Consumption in High Performance Embedded Processor", Lecture Note in Computer Science(LNCS) , Springer-Verlag, Vol. 3207, pp. 74~84, August 2004

International Conference


  • Kyung Min Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, and Juhee Choi, "Designing Cache Coherence Protocol for Non-Volatile Memory in Multi-Core System", In the Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Facilities and informational technologies 2022 (ICEF2022), pp. 271 ~ 272, Uzbekistan, August 10 - 13, 2022
  • Kyung Min Kim, Hyeon Cheol Zin, and Jong Wook Kwak, "Implementation of Server for Integrated Smart-fluid-management System", In the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA2016), pp. 79 ~ 82, Lao PDR, July 4 - 6, 2016
  • Jun-Hyeong Choi, Kyu Jin Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "The Fluid Injection Monitrong System for Efficient Administration of Nursing Jobs", In the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA2016), pp. 83 ~ 86, Lao PDR, July 4 - 6, 2016
  • Hyeon Cheol Zin and Jong Wook Kwak, "Bio-IT Convergent Smart Ringer Injection System for Efficient Patient Administration", In the Proceedings of 4th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Complex Communication Sciences (KJCCS'16), IEICE, Japan, January 12 - 13, 2016
  • Min Kyu Kim, Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Bypassing Method for STT-RAM based Inclusive Last-Level Cache", In the Proceedings of the 2015 Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS2015), ACM SIGAPP, pp. 424 ~ 429, USA, October 9 - 12, 2015
  • Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Adaptive Cache Compression for Non-Volatile Memories in Embedded System", In the Proceedings of the 2014 Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS2014), ACM SIGAPP, pp. 52 ~ 57, USA, October 5 - 8, 2014
  • Seunghui Cha, Jong Wook Kwak, and Wookhyun Kim, "Performance Analysis of Face Detection Algorithms for Efficient Comparison of Prediction Time and Accuracy", In Proceedings of The 2014 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV'14), pp. 121~127, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 21-24, 2014
  • Ju Hee Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Data Filter Cache with Word Selection Cache for Low Power Embedded Processor", In the Proceedings of the 2013 Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS2013), ACM SIGAPP, pp. 422 ~ 427, Canada, October 1 - 4, 2013
  • Jaekeun Lee, Junghoon Park, Kiwoong Jang, Hyuno Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "A Wireless Mouse Application for Android Operating System", In the Proceedings of the 2012 Korea-Japan-China International Workshop, pp. 125 ~ 126, Daegu, Korea, October 31 - November 3, 2012
  • Binfeng Yin, Junhak Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "PCIA: Public Cloud Infrastructure Architecture for Flexible Resource Provisioning", In the Proceedings of The 2012 International Conference on Advanced Information Technology and Sensor Application (AITS 2012), pp. 128, Daejeon, Korea, February 28 - 29, 2012
  • Seokbin Kang, Jong Wook Kwak and Seong Tae Jhang, "On-Chip Victim Cache for Shared Bus-based Chip Multiprocessors", In the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Reliable, Embedded, and Scalable Computing (RESCom 2010), pp. 7 ~ 12, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 27 - 30, 2010
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Ju Hee Choi, "Selective Access to Filter Cache for Low-Power Embedded Systems", In the Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2010), pp. 1 ~ 8, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, January 5 - 8, 2010
  • Ju-Hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Branch Pre-Prediction: A New Pipeline Stage for Increasing Instruction Fetch Bandwidth", In the Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Convergence Technology and Information Convergence (CTIC '09), In Cooperation with ACM SIGAPP, pp. 116~122, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, October 12 -14, 2009
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Ju-Hwan Kim, "Performance Evaluation Model of Branch Input Vectors using Neural Network", In the Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computer Design (CDES '09), The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing, pp. 31~37, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009
  • Gi-Ho Park, Chang-Hoon Oh, Jong Wook Kwak , Hyun-Min Kyung, Jung-Bin Im, Sung Yong Cho, WooKyeong Jeong, Tae-Jin Kim, Sung-Bae Park, "Building Various Levels of SOC Architecture Exploration Environments: System Level Simulator, Emulator and FPGA Prototype Board" The 2nd Workshop on Architectural Research Prototyping (WARP 2007), The 34th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2007), San Diego, CA, USA, June 9-13, 2007
  • Hyun-min Kyung, Gi-ho Park, Jong Wook Kwak, WooKyeong Jeong, Tae-Jin Kim, Sung-Bae Park, "Performance Monitor Unit Design for an AXI-based Multi-Core SoC Platform", Special Track on System On Chip Design and Software Supports (SODSS), In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), pp. 1565~1572, Seoul, Korea, March 11 ~ 15, 2007
  • Gi-Ho Park, Hyun-Min Kyung, Jung-Bin Im, Jong Wook Kwak, Sung Yong Cho, Chang-Hoon Oh, WooKyeong Jeong, Se-Hyun Yang, Kyoung-Soo Kim, Heung-Chul Oh, Tae-Jin Kim, Sung-Bae Park, "Architecture Exploration and Performance Verification Environments of Multi-Core SOC for Mobile Multimedia Embedded Systems", In Proceedings of International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), pp. 195~198, Seoul, Korea, October 26~27, 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Chu Shik Jhon, "Recovery Logics for Speculative Update Branch History", In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer and Information Science (ISCIS 2006), LNCS, pp. 258~266, Istanbul, Truky, November 1~3 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Accuracy Enhancement by Selective Use of Branch History in Embedded Processor", Real Time Systems and Adaptive Applications (RTSAA '06), In Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Science(ICCS 2006), LNCS, pp. 979~986, Reading, UK, May 28~31 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "History Length Adjustable gshare Predictor for High-Performance Embedded Processor", Workshop on Embedded System for Ubiquitous Computing (ESUC '06), In Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2006), LNCS, pp. 631~638, Glasgow, UK, May 8~11 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Performance Evaluation of Modified Hierarchical Ring by Exploiting Link Utilization and Memory Access Locality", In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology(ISSPIT 2005), pp. 82~87, Athens, Greece, December 18-21, 2005
  • Sunghoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Cheol Hong Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, and Chu Shik Jhon, "Power-Aware Branch Logic: A Hardware Based Technique for Filtering Access to Branch Logic", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation(SAMOS V), LNCS, pp. 162~171, Samos, Greece, July 18 - 20, 2005
  • Cheol Hong Kim, Sunghoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Sung Woo Chung, and Chu Shik Jhon, "First-Level Instruction Cache Design for Reducing Dynamic Energy Consumption", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation(SAMOS V), LNCS, pp. 103~111, Samos, Greece, July 18 - 20, 2005
  • Cheol Hong Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Adaptive Block Management for Victim Cache by Exploiting L1 Cache History Information", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing(EUC-04), LNCS, pp. 1~11, Aizu, Japan, August 25-27, 2004
  • Sunghoon Shim, Cheol Hong Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Hybrid Techniques for Reducing Energy Consumption in High Performance Embedded Processor", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing(EUC-04), LNCS, pp. 74~84, Aizu, Japan, August 25-27, 2004
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Cheol Hong Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Multi-Grain Remote Cache in NUMA System", In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Grid in Asia Pacific Region(HPCAsia 2004), Sponsored by High Performance Computing SIG and Information Processing Society of Japan, Co-sponsored by IEEE CS Japan Chapter, pp. 178~185, Omiya Sonic City, Tokyo Area, Japan, July 20-22, 2004
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Hyunbae Lee, Cheol Hong Kim, Sung-Hoon Shim, Chu Shik Jhon, "Level 1 & Victim Cache Management with Processor Reuse Information", In the Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '04), The 2004 International Multi-Conference in Computer Science and Computer Engineering(18th Joint Conferences), Volume 2, pp. 694~698, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 21-24, 2004
  • Cheol Hong Kim, Sung-Hoon Shim, Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "A Novel Approach to Improve Cache Performance in Ring-Based Multiprocessors", In Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '04), Volume 1, pp. 519~524, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 21-24, 2004
  • Soong Hyun Shin, Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Ownership-lacking Line First Policy of Remote Cache in NUMA", In Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '04), Volume 3, pp. 1319~1323, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 21-24, 2004

Domestic Journal


  • Won Ho Lee and, Jun-Hyeong Choi and Jong Wook Kwak, "FRM: Foundation-policy Recommendation Model to Improve the Performance of NAND Flash Memory", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 28, Number 8, pp. 1~10, August 2023
  • Won Ho Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "2WPR: Disk Buffer Replacement Algorithm Based on the Probability of Reference to Reduce the Number of Writes in Flash Memory", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 25, Number 2, pp. 1~10, February 2020
  • Byung Kook Kang and Jong Wook Kwak, "CPWL : Clock and Page Weight based Disk Buffer Management Policy for Flash Memory Systems", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 25, Number 2, pp. 21~29, February 2020
  • Kyung Min Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "BST-IGT Model: Synthetic Benchmark Generation Technique Maintaining Trend of Time Series Data", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 25, Number 2, pp. 31~39, February 2020
  • Sungho Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "Performance Isolation of Shared Space for Virtualized SSD based Storage Systems", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 24, Number 9, pp. 1~8, September 2019
  • Sungho Kim, Sang-Ho Hwang, Myungsub Lee, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang-Hyeon Park, "Buffer Policy based on High-capacity Hybrid Memories for Latency Reduction of Read/Write Operations in High-performance SSD Systems", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 24, Number 7, pp. 1~8, July 2019
  • Sungho Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "Analysis of Potential Risks for Garbage Collection and Wear Leveling Interference in FTL-based NAND Flash Memory", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 24, Number 3, pp. 1~9, March 2019
  • Kyung Min Kim, Jun-Hyeong Choi and Jong Wook Kwak, "WAP-LRU: Write Pattern Analysis Based Hybrid Disk Buffer Management in Flash Storage Systems", IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, Volume 13, Number 3, pp. 151~160, June 2018
  • Sang-Ho Hwang and Jong Wook Kwak, "Performance Analysis of Adaptive Partition Cache Replacement using Various Monitoring Ratios for Non-volatile Memory Systems", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 23, Number 4, pp. 1~8, April 2018
  • Sungho Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "Recency and Frequency based Page Management on Hybrid Main Memory", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 23, Number 3, pp. 1~8, March 2018
  • Sungho Kim, Sang-Ho Hwang, Myungsub Lee, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang-Hyeon Park "Monitoring Methodology Based on Block Erase Count for Classifying Target Blocks Between Garbage Collection and Wear Leveling", IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, Volume 12, Number 3, pp. 149~157, June 2017
  • Seon Hwan Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "Sampling-based Block Erase Table in Wear Leveling Technique for Flash Memory", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 22, Number 5, pp. 1~9, May 2017
  • Sungho Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "Garbage Collection Technique for Balanced Wear-out and Durability Enhancement with Solid State Drive on Storage Systems", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 22, Number 4, pp. 25~32, April 2017
  • Sang-Ho Hwang and Jong Wook Kwak, "Time-Aware Wear Leveling by Combining Garbage Collector and Static Wear Leveler for NAND Flash Memory System", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (KSCI), Volume 22, Number 3, pp. 1~8, March 2017
  • Sung Ho Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "EPET-WL: Enhanced Prediction and Elapsed Time-based Wear Leveling Technique for NAND Flash Memory in Portable Devices", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 21, Number 5, pp. 1~10, May 2016
  • Sang-Ho Hwang and Jong Wook Kwak, "Garbage Collection Technique for Reduction of Migration Overhead and Lifetime Prolongment of NAND Flash Memory", IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, Volume 11, Number 2, pp. 125~134, April 2016
  • Sang-Ho Hwang, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang-Hyeon Park, "Cold Data Identification using Raw Bit Error Rate in Wear Leveling for NAND Flash Memory", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 20, Number 12, pp. 1~8, December 2015
  • Seon Hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang-Hyeon Park, "Wear Leveling Technique using Bit Array and Bit Set Threshold for Flash Memory", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 20, Number 11, pp. 1~8, November 2015
  • Seon Hwan Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "Garbage Collection Method using Proxy Block considering Index Data Structure based on Flash Memory", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 20, Number 6, pp. 1~11, June 2015
  • Seon Hwan Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "Index Management Method using Page Mapping Log in B⁺-Tree based on NAND Flash Memory", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 20, Number 5, pp. 1~12, May 2015
  • Sang-Ho Hwang and Jong Wook Kwak, "CL-Tree: B+ tree for NAND Flash Memory using Cache Index List", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 20, Number 4, pp. 1~10, April 2015
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Design and Implementation of Location Information System and User Mapping System using DSDV Routing Algorithm in Ad-hoc Network Environment", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 19, Number 3, pp. 1~9, March 2014
  • Binfeng Yin and Jong Wook Kwak, "PCIA Cloud Service Modeling and Performance Analysis of Physical & Logical Resource Provisioning", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 19, Number 2, pp. 1~10, February 2014
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Efficient On-Chip Idle Cache Utilization Technique in Chip Multi-Processor Architecture", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 18, Number 10, pp. 13~21, October 2013
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Low-Power Cache Design by using Locality Buffer and Address Compression", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 18, Number 9, pp. 11~19, September 2013
  • Ju-Hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang and Chu Shik Jhon, "Prediction Accuracy Enhancement of Function Return Address via RAS Pollution Prevention", Journal of IEEK(The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea), Volume 48-CI, Number 3, pp. 54~68, May 2011
  • Hyeon Sagong and Jong Wook Kwak, "Implementation of Server Virtualization System and User Memory Management using Server Based Computing", Journal of KKITS(Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society), Volume 5, Number 6, pp. 85~92, December 2010
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Ju-Hwan Kim, "Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling based on Buffer Memory Access Information", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 15, Number 3, pp. 1~10, March 2010
  • Ju-Hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak and Chu Shik Jhon, "Branch Prediction Latency Hiding Scheme using Branch Pre-Prediction and Modified BTB", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 14, Number 10, pp. 1~10, October 2009
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Ju-Hwan Kim, "Early Start Branch Prediction to Resolve Prediction Delay", The KIPS(Korea Information Processing Society) Transactions : Part A, Volume 16-A, Nu ber 5, pp. 347~356, October 2009
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Filter Cache Predictor Using Mode Selection Bit", Journal of IEEK(The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea), Volume 46-CI, Number 5, pp. 1~13, September 2009
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Branch Prediction with Speculative History and Its Effective Recovery Method", The KIPS(Korea Information Processing Society) Transactions : Part A, Volume 15-A, Number 4, pp. 217~226, August 2008
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Variable Input Gshare Predictor based on Interrelationship Analysis of Instructions", Journal of KSCI(Korea Society of Computer and Information), Volume 13, Number 4, pp. 19~30, July 2008
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Dynamic Per-Branch History Length Fitting for High-Performance Processor", Journal of IEEK(The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea), Volume 44-CI, Number 2, pp. 130~139, March 2007
  • Sang Yoon Han, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Remote Cache Replacement Policy Using Processor Locality in Multi-Processor System", Journal of KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Volume 32, Number 11~12, pp. 541~566, December 2005
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Hyong Jin Ban, Chu Shik Jhon, "Torus Ring : Improving Performance of Interconnection Networks by Modifying Hierarchical-Ring", Journal of KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Volume 32, Number 5~6, pp. 196~208, June 2005
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim, Chu Shik Jhon, "Direction-Embedded Branch Prediction Scheme based on Neural Network Information", Journal of IEEK(The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea), Volume 42-CI, Number 1, pp. 9~26, January 2005
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Hyunbae Lee, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Advanced Victim Cache with Processor Reuse Information", Journal of KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Volume 31, Number 11~12, pp. 704~715, December 2004
  • Soong Hyun Shin, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Keeping-Ownership Replacement Policy of Remote Cache in NUMA System", Journal of KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Volume 31, Number 7~8, pp. 473~ 486, August 2004
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Application Behavior-oriented Adaptive Remote Access Cache in Ring based NUMA System", Journal of KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Volume 30, Number 9~10, pp. 461~ 476, October 2003

Domestic Conference


  • [Best Paper Award] Ho Joon Lee, Myung Gi Jung and Jong Wook Kwak, "IT Infrastructure Construction Cost Analysis Platform using Prompt Engineering and LLM", Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Communication Science, 2024 KIICE Spring Conference, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 405 ~ 408, May 23 ~ 25, 2024
  • Sung Ho Kim, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang Hyeon Park, "Buffer Policy for Latency Reduction of Read/Write Operations in High-capacity NAND Flash Memory", 2018 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 321 ~ 325, November 15 ~ 17, 2018
  • [Best Paper Award] Sungho Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "Analysis of Inherent Risks of Lifetime Improvement Technique Interference in NAND Flash Memory", 2018 KSCI Winter Conference, Korea Society of Computer Information, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 1 ~ 4, January 11 ~ 13, 2018
  • Sang-Ho Hwang, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang Hyeon Park, "Delayed Migration of Cold Block for Prolonging Lifetime of NAND Flash Memory", 2016 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 73 ~ 76, November 10 ~ 12, 2016
  • Sung Ho Kim, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang Hyeon Park, "Static Wear Leveling with Low Overhead and Lifespan Extension for NAND Flash Memory", 2016 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 16 ~ 20, November 10 ~ 12, 2016
  • Yong Hun Jang, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang Hyeon Park, "Weight Prediction Technique for Fishes based on RANSAC Image Processing", 2016 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 52 ~ 55, November 10 ~ 12, 2016
  • [Best Paper Award] Sang-Ho Hwang and Jong Wook Kwak, "Dynamic Wear Leveling Technique using Block Sequence Number in Non-volatile Memory", 2016 KSCI Winter Conference, Korea Society of Computer Information, pp. 5 ~ 7, January 14 ~ 16, 2016
  • Sung Ho Kim and Jong Wook Kwak, "Garbage Collection Technique using Erase Interval Information on NAND Flash Memory Systems", 2016 KSCI Winter Conference, Korea Society of Computer Information, pp. 1 ~ 3, January 14 ~ 16, 2016
  • [Best Paper Award] Jun-Hyeong Choi, Jong Wook Kwak, "Wear Leveling Technique Using Migration of Cold Data in Flash Memory Systems", 2015 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 116 ~ 119, November 12 ~ 14, 2015
  • Sung Ho Kim, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang Hyeon Park, "Effective Garbage Collection Scheme for NAND Flash Memory", 2015 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 36 ~ 39, November 12 ~ 14, 2015
  • [Best Paper Award] Kwon Min Seok, Kwon So Ra, Kim Young Hoon, Yang Seung Hwan, Zin Hyeon Cheol and Jong Wook Kwak, "Design and Implementation of Optimized Route Search and Setup Technique based on User Experience", 2014 Korea Multimedia Society Fall Conference, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 207 ~ 210, November 14 ~ 15, 2014
  • Seon Hwan Kim, Sang Ho Hwang, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang-Hyeon Park, "Garbage Collection Method using Proxy Block for B+ Tree based on NAND Flash Memory", 2014 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 110 ~ 113, November 13 ~ 15, 2014
  • Sang Ho Hwang, Sun Hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang-Hyeon Park, "NAND Flash B+ Tree using Cascading List Structure", 2014 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 106 ~ 109, November 13 ~ 15, 2014
  • Sung Ho Kim, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang Hyeon Park, "Lazy Buffer System using Spatial Locality on NAND Flash Memory", 2014 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 123 ~ 126, November 13 ~ 15, 2014
  • Yong Hun Jang, Jong Wook Kwak and Chang Hyun Park, "Flatfish's fin Boundary Detection Technique for Cutting Automation System", 2014 IEMEK Fall Conference, Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, pp. 147 ~ 150, November 13 ~ 15, 2014
  • Seunghui Cha, Jong Wook Kwak and Wookhyun Kim, "Analysis of Face Detection System for Improvement of Learning Concentration", KISPS Summer Conference 2014, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 53 ~ 57, June 20 ~ 21, 2014
  • [Best Paper Award] Jong Wook Kwak and Ju-Hwan Kim, "The Enhancement of Indirect Branch Prediction Accuracy via Double Return Address Stack", Korea Computer Congress 2011 (KCC2011), KIISE (The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) Spring Conference, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 494 ~ 497, June 29 ~ July 1, 2011
  • [Best Paper Award] Hyo Young Lim, Jeong Gu Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "Implementation of Location Information System using DSDV Routing Algorithm in Ad-hoc Network Environment", The 35th KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Spring Conference, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 625 ~ 629, May 13~14, 2011
  • Hyo Young Lim, Jeong Gu Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "Design and Implementation of User Mapping System using Ad-hoc Network", The 35th KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Spring Conference, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 21 ~ 24, May 13~14, 2011
  • Jun Pil Park, Min Sung Kang, Chang Yun Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "Android-based Touch Smart Phone on Soft Keyboard Environment for the Blind", The 2010 KIISE Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Web Information Technology (UCWIT 2010), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 187~192, December 10, 2010
  • Hyeon Sagong, Jan Won Shin and Jong Wook Kwak, "Implementation of Virtual OS Application using Server Based Computing", The 34nd KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Fall Conference, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 1670 ~ 1673, November 12~13, 2010
  • Hyo Young Lim, Young Min Park, Sang Ah Lee and Jong Wook Kwak, "End-to-End Real Time Media Transport Technique in Android Platform", The 34th KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Fall Conference, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 1543 ~ 1546, November 12~13, 2010
  • Jong Wook Kwak and Young Tae Jeon, "Low-Power Partial Tag using Locality Buffer", The 32nd KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Fall Conference, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 3 ~ 4, November 13~14, 2009
  • Seok-bin Kang, Ju-hwan Kim, Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Idle Cache Exploiting Techniques for Shared Bus-based Chip Multi-processors", The 31st KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Spring Conference, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 877 ~ 880, April 23~24, 2009
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Ju Hee Choi, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Filter Cache Predictor using Mode Selection Bit", The 29th KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Spring Conference, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 493 ~ 495, May 16~17, 2008
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim, Chu Shik Jhon, "The Impact of Branch Direction History combined with Global Branch History in Branch Prediction", The 10th Seoul National University and Korea University BK21 IT Joint Workshop, February 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Recovery Modules for Speculative Update Branch History", The 32nd Fall Semiannual Conference, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 768776~768, November 11~12, 2005
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, "A New Branch Prediction Method using Dynamic History Length", The Journal of Suwon Information Technology, Vol. 4, pp. 16~30, October 2005
  • [Best Paper Award] Jong Wook Kwak, Hyong Jin Ban, Chu Shik Jhon, "Improving System Performance by Modifying Hierarchical Ring", The 31st Fall Semiannual Conference, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 1~3, October 22~23, 2004
  • Sang Yoon Han, Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Remote Cache Replacement Policy based on Processor Locality", The 31st Fall Semiannual Conference, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 4~6, October 22~23, 2004
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Ju-Hwan Kim, Chu Shik Jhon, "A Novel Approach to Improve Branch Prediction Accuracy by Neural Network Information", The 21st Spring Semiannual Conference, KIPS(Korea Information Processing Society), pp.1651~1654, May 14~15, 2004
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Hyunbae Lee, Chu Shik Jhon, "Efficient Management Scheme of Victim Cache with Processor Reuse Information", Fall Semiannual Conference, SIG on Computer Systems, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), pp.44~52, November 8, 2003
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Chu Shik Jhon, "Efficient Scheme for Reducing Remote Memory Access Time in Dual-Ring based CC-NUMA System", Fall Semiannual Conference, SIG on Parallel Processing Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, KISS(Korea Information Science Society), pp.35~44, October 2002
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Multi-Grain Remote Cache in CC-NUMA based PANDA II System", The 2nd Seoul National University and Korea University BK21 IT Joint Workshop, August 2001



  • Jong Wook Kwak and Hyeon Cheol Zin, "SYSTEM AND METHOD OF AN INJECTION OF RINGER", Patent Application Number: 10-2016-0142654, October 2016
  • Jong Wook Kwak et al., "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SEARCHING WALKING ROUTE BASED ON USER EXPERIENCE", Patent Application Number: 10-2014-0183584, Patent Number: 10-1665655, October 2016
  • Jong Wook Kwak et al., "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SEARCHING DRIVING ROUTE OF CAR BASED ON USER EXPERIENCE", Patent Application Number: 10-2014-0183583, Patent Number: 10-1629857, June 2016
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Filtered Branch-Prediction Predicate Generation", The US Patent Application, No. US20080052501, Patent No. US7673124 B2, March 2010
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Branch history length indicator, branch prediction system, and the method thereof", Patent Application Number: 10-2006-0081168, Patent Number: 10-0817056, March 20, 2008
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Sang Yoon Han, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Multi-Processor System of Multi-Cache Structure and New Replacement Policy of Remote Cache", Patent Application Number: 10-2004-86459, Patent Number: 10-0617875, August 23, 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Shared Memory Multi-Processor System of Adaptive Remote Access Cache", Patent Application Number: 2003-0053839, Patent Number: 10-0576099, April 26, 2006
  • Jong Wook Kwak, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon, "Processor System of Hierarchical Memory Structure and Processing Method Thereof", Patent Application Number: 10-2004-00900, Patent Number: 0552429, February 8, 2006



  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Best Lecture Professor Award: The Grand Prize", Interview with Yeungnam University Newspaper, No. 1614, June 1, 2015
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Youth Gets Cold Feet for Passion Pay", Interview with The Yeungnam Observer, pp. 24, No. 341, May 2015
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "First Hardware Programming with VHDL - Hardware Design with Programming Language", Microsoftware, pp. 360-367, October, 2002
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "The Hardware Description Language : VHDL - Hardware Design with Programming Language", Microsoftware, pp. 344-352, September, 2002
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Digital System Design Methodology - Hardware Design with Programming Language", Microsoftware, pp. 364-373, August, 2002
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "The Parallel Computer Internals - The Story of Super Computer and Parallel Computer", Microsoftware Jr. pp. 18-28, December, 2001
  • Jong Wook Kwak, "Introduction to Super Computer - The Story of Super Computer and Parallel Computer", Microsoftware Jr. pp. 14-20, November, 2001